Play Description

America presently marks the 50th Anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s historic administration as President of the United States. JFK was the youngest man ever elected to that office, and he was the first person born in the 20th century to serve in that office. His eloquence, style, wealth, good looks, humor, and beautiful family ushered in a new era of American politics where, in Kennedy’s own words, “the torch has been passed to a new generation.” When he was shot and killed in Dallas in 1963, the psyche of his generation was also gravely wounded.

But what if JFK was only wounded in Dallas and survived the assassin’s bullets? What would have become of the great issues of that era, such as Vietnam, civil rights, and the Cold War?

In this one-man play, JFK joins us as a man in the twilight of his life, reflecting upon his public life 50 years after he was elected president. This carefully researched play is the work of Dennis McAndrews, Esquire, a Berwyn, PA-based attorney and long-time member of Villanova University’s Political Science department. Mr. McAndrews has performed this play in numerous locations globally, including Edgartown, MA; Wayne, PA; Villanova, PA; Sackets Harbor, NY; New Ross, IE; Laredo, TX; and Georgetown, WA, D.C.